Healthacross MED NET

The new "Healthacross MED NET" project aims to further strengthen an efficient network and a close partnership between the regions on specific topics and pilot projects in the border region between Austria and the Czech Republic. This can sustainably improve healthcare for the population living in the border region.

Focal points of the project:

  • cross-border palliative care
  • Digital cross-border training
  • Cross-border hospital cooperation in the field of invasive cardiology

Expected project duration: 12/2023 - 11/2026

Conveyor rail: Interreg VI-A AT-CZ 2021-2027

Project details

EUR 530.725,20

Conveyor rail: Interreg VI-A AT-CZ 2021-2027

80% financed from European funds

Project number: ATCZ00026

  • Health Agency of Lower Austria  - Initiative Healthacross
  • South Moravia
  • Vysočina
  • Znojmo Hospital
  • South Bohemia (strategic partner)

Focal points

The aim is to establish a cross-border network for palliative care.
=> Development of a "Palliative Care" road map

  • Joint development of ideas & concepts
  • Supplementing existing structures
  • Exchange with stakeholders in palliative care
  • Exchange of experience on the topic of training in palliative medicine and care
  • Development of a concept for a virtual training centre:
    Improving co-operation between hospitals --> faster filling of vacancies
  • Participation in a joint training programme:
    Specialist conference, training, further training event
  • Cooperation between Znojmo Hospital and Melk Hospital

The aim is to develop a road map on the topic of "invasive cardiology"

  • Cross-border cooperation for the establishment of a centre for invasive cardiology at Znojmo Hospital
  • Joint workshop at Znojmo Hospital: "Confidence-building measures - in the medical and social field of invasive cardiology"
  • Carrying out needs and patient analyses